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Aquaponics is a sustainable farming method that combines aquaculture, the cultivation of aquatic animals like fish, with hydroponics, the cultivation of plants in water. It is an innovative and efficient system that creates a mutually beneficial relationship between fish and plants. In an aquaponics setup, fish are raised in a tank, and their waste, which contains valuable nutrients, serves as a natural fertilizer for the plants. The plants, in turn, filter and purify the water for the fish by absorbing the nutrients and removing harmful substances.

This closed-loop system minimizes water usage and eliminates the need for chemical fertilizers or pesticides, making aquaponics an environmentally friendly and sustainable way of producing both fish and crops.
The aquaponics farm produce different green and leafy vegetables like bunching onions, red pak choi, and romaine lettuce. Through the innovative and sustainable system of aquaponics, we are able to offer these produce all-year round. These gives our clients sustainability in their supplies, avoiding big influxes in pricing and potentially having no supply because of seasonability.

The biofilter is a key component in aquaponics, acting as a buffer to continuously transform fish waste into nutrient-rich water for plants. This symbiotic system maximizes resource utilization by converting fish waste into plant nutrients. The biofilter provides an ideal habitat for aerobic bacteria, essential for converting organics into valuable plant nutrients. In aquaponics, fish secrete ammonia, which beneficial bacteria then convert into nitrates, serving as plant food. The biofilter, containing bio media, enhances the surface area for these bacteria to thrive, facilitating the conversion of ammonia into nutrients for plant growth.

About Us

The farm is located in a naturally rich land which was originally cultivated by locals. Initially, parts of the land were dedicated to thriving trees and home to native livestock.